Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Things are starting to click..

Wow, it has been incredibly easy to forget about this blog. Sorry about that. :(

I'm at a point in animation where I feel like things are starting to click. I've applied most of the concepts we've learned so far into a single walk cycle - squash and stretch, line of action, arcs, drag and follow through. The result is one of the best bits of animation I've done so far. Yeah it's just a simple walk cycle, but I still think it shows a better understanding of animation concepts than any of my other animations.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Facial Expressions

I worked on my Morpheus face expressions today. It was pretty entertaining. I particularly enjoyed doing the stick-out-tongue one. ;)

I picked two expressions that were somewhat complicated, and then I did a simple smile for the last one. I figured that smiles are pretty important so I may as well do one. The funny thing is, the smile was the hardest one to make look natural. I was happy with the other two expressions from the get-go, but it took me a while to make the smile look less awkward. I guess there's a lot of subtle stuff that goes into making a convincing smile. I'm glad I picked that "simple" expression. ;)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I knew I forgot something... my blog post for last week! I don't know if I made it in time, but this is supposed to be for the previous week (it's Sunday now).

Anyway, I thought I'd write a little bit about blocking. I've done a little bit of 3D animation on my own in the last couple years, but I never knew about blocking. It's a little hard to get used to, but it seems like it'll be very helpful in the long run. I can see that it allows for much finer control of frame-to-frame motion. When I would animate purely in spline, I would rely much more on letting the computer calculate the in-betweens. With blocking, I'm creating way more keyframes than I ever did before. That said, it'll definitely take some practice before I can time my animations more successfully while blocking.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


For this week's Morpheus pose, I decided to go with a good old fashioned uppercut. I tried something new with this pose - I curved the arms and legs. It's subtle, but I think it really improves the pose and strengthens the line of action.

I kind of wanted to copy in another Morpheus character to be the one receiving the uppercut, but I decided against it. Better to focus on a single pose for now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have to say, I'm a little relieved to be animating something that's not a ball. I understand the importance of perfecting the ball bounce (and I'm actually very grateful we're spending so much time on it), but it's nice to take a break and animate a real character! The Dino's rig is extremely simple as well, very fun to animate.

Here's my first mid-week blocking pass. I haven't blocked out the whole thing yet. I'm going to have him jump to the final platform, lose his balance, and fall down to the ground.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Catch up time...

I'm a little bit behind this week. I've been pretty busy the last few days and as such have missed a mid-week deadline and will miss tomorrow's first pass deadline for Assignment 3 (unless I get really lucky tomorrow morning and have time to work on it!). I'll be spending this weekend catching up.

I have, however, done this week's Morpheus pose. I at first posed him with both feet flat on the ground, but I thought that was a little bit boring. So then I realized that sometimes when you're lifting something, you'll use one of your legs to support it for a bit until you can get a better grip on it. I think that resulted in a much more dynamic pose.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Squash & Stretch

I have to admit, I like squash and stretch. So much so that I over-did it a little bit! I followed the critique and reduced the squash and stretch for the first week, but just for fun, I think I'll post the original one with over-the-top squash and stretch. I just think it has a pretty neat whimsical feel to it. Though, I did somehow miss the "zero stretch" frames at the peak of some of the jumps, so that part of it doesn't look too great.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

3D Animation Course - Morpheus

Well, first off I should say that I'm really excited about this class. I enjoy all - well, most - aspects of 3D graphics (UV mapping... grumble grumble..), but animation is definitely what I want to specialize in.

To kick off my blog, I thought I'd talk about Morpheus. I must say Morpheus is a pretty awesome rig. It's very flexible, and has tons of customization options. Working with this rig throughout the semester is going to be very fun. For the first Morpheus mini-assignment (balance), I wanted to make a pose that looked very dynamic. It should look not only like he's balancing, but also that he's working hard to achieve and maintain that balance. Here's the result: